This is an innovative four-level young adult series that quickly teaches students to express themselves both accurately and fluently, thus building their own identity in English. A question syllabus: Every lesson begins with a question that students learn to answer in that lesson. Song lines: Unique to English these have a direct link to each lesson, providing an authentic hook to help students remember its language or theme. Picture Dictionary: Embedded in core lessons with contextualized listening and engaging texts, the ID Picture Dictionary system provides rich input and systematic review to accelerate vocabulary learning.
Make it Personal: Each phase of every lesson in English ID ends with make it peronal so students can talk about themselves to personalize what they have studied. World of English: In a chatty style, these boxes present interesting facts about English and how to study it. Common Mistakes: Highlight what to avoid in order to maximize opportunities for accuracy. ID Café: A sitcom-type video series that helps consolidate and further practice the main contents of each unit. English ID Easy Autonomous Learning: This program provides a self-study route, linking all components, to help students catch up, review, practice and develop their English outside class.